Friday, April 25, 2014

Should i buy new games for my ps3 or for the pc?


My computer is a monster that can handle any games (such as crysis) on max setting with no lag. I just got the computer a month ago and before that i was a hardcore ps3 gamer. Would you guys suggest buying games for the pc or the ps3 now? I was thinking about games like dead space 2 or bulletstorm or even Elder Scrolls V when it comes out.
What would you suggest?

pc games are about $10 cheaper.

to play online for ps3, bluetooth headsets range from $40 to $150

to voice chat on pc it takes any sort of microphone

for most games, you need to take into consideration whether you like the controller or the mouse and keyboard.

ps3 games can be traded in when you dont want them anymore. pc games are yours forever.

ps3 games dont require you to input any of that stupid cd key stuff.

ps3 games have trophies. pc games usually have their own in game scoring but they dont have things like trophies

ps3 games can be bought used for cheaper. pc games cant be bought used anymore unless you buy used online and sometimes their cd key has already been used

it is easier to video capture stuff on pc to put on youtube. ps3 requires you to have a capture card.

pc games tend to have a larger online forum community

ps3 games dont require installation

pc games have less load time since they are installed

pc games can be a little bit difficult to play online if you have to open and close ports and configure all that stuff

ps3 games can be played by laying down on the couch. pc games must be played sitting at the computer.

pc games tend to have more hackers who mess up the game for everyone. they do get caught and banned, but still, it sucks for us who want to play legit.

some pc games can be modded which makes them more fun. i have command and conquer generals and i play the mods on that all the time. games like half life 2 have a great modding community and a lot of developers welcome modders because they get more people to buy their game.

it also depends on what type of monitor you have. if you have a big honker tv then i would go with ps3. if you have a kick ass 1080p monitor then i would go with pc. if you have both then you are a spoiled kid who needs to give me some of your stuff :P

it used to be that pc games were always better than console games but that isnt the case with the ps3. the ps3 can run just about any graphics that a pc can run.

How does voice chat work for pc games?

Q. Multiplayer of course

The same way it does for console games. You just need a microphone and a game that supports voice chat built in. VOIP software has been around for a while now. Usually you have a key or something to press to toggle it.

Without built-in voice chat, most people use VOIP software like Skype, Ventrilo, or Teamspeak to chat.

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Title Post: Should i buy new games for my ps3 or for the pc?
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