Monday, April 21, 2014

Best Gaming PC for £700?

Q. I just was wondering what is the best spec'd gaming pc I'd get for £700. Suggestions thoughts?

$1125=700 British pounds, so go to Cyberpower and choose a pc to configurate [click on 'configurator'] click on one that is $800 to $900 and add a good video card in the 150 to 200 dollar range. Make sure the os is Windows7. Then find one similar to it in the UK. I'm in the USA so I don't know many British websites. Pricewatch UK is one.

Looking to build a decent gaming PC for about £700 - can it be done?


and if so, can you suggest the hardware I will want to include?

I guess by decent I mean the fastest and most high quality available for the money

For 700 pounds you can get a very decent gaming computer, here is what I recommend.

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 $269.99
Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3R $149.99
Mushkin 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2-800 $79.99
Radeon HD 4870 $309.99
Western Digital Caviar SE16 640GB $94.99
Samsung SH-S203N $29.99
Asus Xonar DX $94.99
PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750 $149.99
Antec P182 $149.99
Total Buy this complete system at Newegg. $1329.91

This is in USD but is under 700 pounds.

It is a perfect build the only thing left is the monitor, operating system, keyboard, mouse, but you should at least have everything except the operating system from your last computer, you can buy Windows Vista 64 Bit usuing the rest of your money.

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