Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to Deal with Motion Sickness ...I get a massive headache, nausea, and sick to my stomach?

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How to Deal with Motion Sickness..i like pc gamesvery a days im not able to play games...if i play means i feel like something in stomach and running to the bathroom in a matter of minutes. I get a massive headache, nausea, and sick to my stomach. I can't play it any problem with me?

I have an inner-ear disorder, so I get massively motion sick. I have tried all the motion-sickness tablets. The best one by far is called Meclizine. You can buy it in a bottle (cheaper) (ask the pharmacist) or you can get it as a motion-sickness medicine called Bonine in the US and Bonamine in the UK. It will make you drowsy but that's better than the alternative.
I just re-read your post and you said you get sick when you play PC games, not when riding in a car, boat, or plane. This sounds more like a type of migraine than motion sickness. You may want to see a neurologist for this. It could have something to do with your eye motion and the lights and screen motion. If this persists, a neurologist is the best way to go, I think.

Is the product linked everything I need to transfer DS games from PC to DS?


The link:

I do not have anything else apart from a standard DS Lite. Do I need to buy anything else or is that it?

Note that I am using it to transfer POWDER, a freeware DS game, and so AFAIK I am not breaking any laws.

You need microsd memory as well, try this store, they have a better deal and have memory combos as well so should save u some money. not only that they are carrying the DSi version so you can use it on your ds lite and dsi in case u want that!


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Title Post: How to Deal with Motion Sickness ...I get a massive headache, nausea, and sick to my stomach?
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