Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How can i convince my parents to let me get GTA IV?

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I'm almost 17, and have a younger brother (13) and two older who live here (19) (21). My dad absolutely forbids the game Grand Theft Auto Four from the house, but my mom doesn't seem to care that much. I can never get a real reason why I can't get it and every time he comes up with one I prove him wrong. Like he says you rape people, not true. He says you can see full nudity, not true. We have other M games that are not as intense like Oblivion and Skyrim, but he does not care. So how do I convince my parents, (Mostly my dad) to let me have the game? Or alteast give me a valid reason to not have it? This is frustrating, I am not some 13 year old brat begging my parents when I shouldn't even own the game at that age in the first place. I am 2 months away form being 17, not a crazy person, mature, and responsible.
I already have a copy of the game which a friend of mine bought for me a couple days ago, my mom still didn't give a crap. but my dad flipped out so i have it, i just wanna be able to play it.

have you tried finding it online download for free? i mean my brother downloads almost Every Game Online Free!!! well i'll ask him later which websites he uses how about you check this one?
or is the best it has everything Games,Movies etc. and for free! i am not intrested in games as my brother am more into watching stuff like Anime hollywood movies or reading Manga.....but theres only one game which came to my like it was counter strike...and i downloaded it online for free... my brother has played GTA before i think sandreas and he downloaded it as well..... remember to visit and search what ever your looking for they will give you the links.kay! Wish You Luck(ââá´ââ)Û¶

do you think that the next gen consoles should have waited 2 more years?


I think that both next gen consoles should have launched in 2015 instead of 2013 because of hardware. I mean look at them, they're both struggling to even run games 1080p with 60fps. If only some games are able to run that then maybe they should have waited a couple more years for hardware to get better. Another thing, with 4k tv's coming out, both next gen consoles wont make use of 4k tv's. I mean it would be great to even run 4k games with 30 fps. I just think that both consoles were rushed even though this was the longest generation

First of all, 4k TVs are mostly a marketing sham as the pixel density of your typical 1080P TV will be greater than the acuity of your eyes beyond 5-6 feet(i.e it becomes a "retina" display beyond this point as Apple's marketing department would call it).

They can't wait any longer since they would risk losing the loyal player base. You also wouldn't be able to market a $1000 console to the mass consumer just so that they can get a few more frames per second. You simply cannot wait indefinitely since hardware is constantly getting better, and if you're always waiting for the next improvement, nothing will ever get released.

It is true that the "next gen" consoles are very weak compared to what is available on the PC market(they basically are PC components in different cases), but how else will you be able to sell a $400-500 machine without huge compromises in performance?
The PC gaming, enthusiast and professional market is not very price sensitive and have no problem putting down $1000+ for gaming, experimentation, work etc... but the average console buyer will choose one console over another because of a $100 difference.

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Title Post: How can i convince my parents to let me get GTA IV?
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