Saturday, December 7, 2013

How do you build a gaming pc?

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best gaming pc for 350 image


i was hoping for some help, i was wanting to build a gaming pc (Win 8) i know enough to assemble one but i was wondering what exactly, for the price, is a good graphics card, processor, hard drive, ect.

$350 build :

$400 build :

$600 build :

$500 build :
$750 build :
$800 build :

$1000 build :
$1500 build :

$2500 build:

$3000 build :

What graphics card do I need to run these monitors on Ultra settings for Crysis 3?

I'm looking to try to find a graphics card that can power 3 monitors. I am wanting to do something either like Eye infinity or Nvidia surround. I really want to change my gaming experience, because I'm investing in a gaming pc than getting the next gen console. I'd either like to purchase a single graphics card for $350 - $450 I need it to run Crysis 3 on all monitors. If possiable I don't mind buying more than 1 or 2 cards, as long as they're 150$ - $250 I just need it to run Crysis 3 on ultra settings.

Multiple monitors for Very High with that budget would be impossible. A single GTX 680 pulls 30-ish frames per second on a single monitor and that's a $400 card. You would need two or three.

An HD 7870 might manage high or medium but not very high. No card in that price range can get playable frame rates on Crysis 3 maxed out.

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