Sunday, November 24, 2013

How to build a gaming pc?

best gaming pc 1000 dollars on Archive Monitors | Top Best PC Gaming 2013
best gaming pc 1000 dollars image


I want to build a gaming pc that can play Crisis on max settings for under 1000 dollars.If i can't play crisis on max settings that is fine but i want the best possible pc for under 1000 dollars.Also could you recommend a good monitor the monitor price is excluded from the desktop price.

there is a gaming site that does the most power for a gaming pc in a budget. eg $1000 every month.,2725.html
also if you look here it can run crysis on highest settings @

just scroll down and you will see the $1000 build.
if you are not overclocking then dont get the extra cpu cooler. an OS is not included in the price.

as for a monitor, try this

there is over 1200 reviews about it, so its pretty good.
dont forget, the bigger the monitor (resolution) the more pressure on your graphics card.

also here is a good guide for assembly, with pics.

How exactly do you build a gaming rig?


i got around 1000 dollars trying to build a gaming PC but don't know how can someone help?

There are sites out there that will build a rig for you.. but if your building it yourself this is what you should keep in mind:

1. make sure you have more than enough hard drive space
2. Lots of RAM
3. A good video card (I have a Nvidia and have had no trouble)
4. speedy processors (sandybridge)
You'll have to decide what kind of cooling you want to use, they have liquid cooling now that works better than fans but is pricey

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